Thursday, February 13, 2014


So those of you who really know me or just met me know that I HEART KALE! It's so GOOD and so GOOD for you! If you aren't quite obsessed like me A.) You aren't massaging it like its your main squeeze or B.) You aren't massaging it like its your main squeeze!!
Its all about the EVOO, kosher salt, lemon juice and getting your hands in there!! Check out my previous post if you have no idea why I'm talking about massaging lettuce!!!
Anywho…I thought I would show you some of my cray cray DELISH combos!
Kale with NJ sweet corn, roasted summer squash and parsnips
with a sprinkle of toasted sliced almonds for a crunch

This colorful combo has roasted carrots, cauliflower, and brussels with a side of Greek olives and toasty bread! I gotta have my CRUNCH! I think a see a little avo hiding too…love the creaminess! 

Hard boiled eggs(I make them every Sunday) chopped ago, a smear of hummus, Greek olives and toasty bread! Hummus isn't just for dipping people!!!
Have fun with cutting your veggies different ways! I cut mine more like fries so I could dip them in carrots you are missing out!! CANDY! This salad has a pile of fluffy parm which pairs well with kale!

CHICKPEAS are my easy protein!! I usually buy the low sodium ones BUT when I'm really extra healthy I soak and boil my own! Let me tell you there is such a HUGE difference in flavor!! In this salad I tossed in a couple homemade croutons and roasted some beets!! If you think you don't like beets you need to erase that food memory from Aunt Dorothy's Easter Dinner with canned beets and pickled eggs!! They are fabulous just roasted! ( Scrub them really well, chop off the greens, wrap them in foil with a drizzle of EVOO and roast at 400 for about 40 minutes) Let them cool a little but then take a paper towel and rub the skin off! VIOLA! Their natural sweetness and earthiness is divine and a great addition to any salad!!

I hope this post inspires you to add your faves to a delicious kale salad!! It is truly a blank canvas! I never get bored with my salads bc well…


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